Frequently Asked Questions

How much will this cost me?

It’s FREE! We sponsor nutritious meals to Southern California, Northern California, and Arizona programs during the school year, winter break, spring break, and summer break at no cost. We provide breakfast, lunch and/or supper to children ages 1-18 through government funding.

Free Meals? What’s the catch?

You heard right! leap is an approved Meal Sponsor through the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) so all of our sites must comply with CACFP guidelines. Site coordinators have to go through leap’s training as well as submit daily stat numbers (meals delivered, meals received, attendance, temperature of meals), monthly attendance summaries, and monthly transportation records on a consistent basis. Everything else, we handle.

Is there a minimum amount of meals I need to order?

We generally serve sites with at least 25 students.

Can I choose what food my kids receive?

If students have food allergies and/or religious beliefs food vendors can make special meal requests but otherwise not usually

What meals do you guys offer?

We offer a range of fresh, well-balanced nutritious meals of all sorts. Menu’s generally differ depending on food vendor but all meals include a Grain, fruit, vegetable, protein, and milk component.

What grade levels do you serve?

We serve elementary through high-school ages 1-18 years old.

Do we have a limit on how many meals we receive?

No, you may order as many meals as your site can consume.

How long does the meal program last?

We are able to offer meals year round (during standard school session, summer, and winter break).

What Is the best way to order meals?

Once you’re pre-qualified and approved to receive meals, we’ll handle all meal ordering for your site.

What if I would like to change the amount of meals I ordered after ordering?

Our meal ordering department can easily change your amount of meals – it will only take 3 business days before the change takes effect.